
2022 Goals

In 2021, we completed a major strategic review which outlined how our activities contributed to system change. Our work covers four impact areas – healthy ecosystems, resilient communities, regenerative food systems and local wellbeing economies.
From there, we nominated four goals as the most important in order to focus our work.
In 2022 CERES will:

Engage with First Nations communities and knowledge systems

Respectfully engage with First Nations Peoples of Australia, and develop actions that support First Nations rights, self-determination and sovereignty, while remaining committed to CERES’ purpose.

Strengthen and deepen our food systems

Demonstrate how urban agriculture can anchor a community and contribute to the local economy, and grow our leadership in the sector.

Build our local wellbeing economy

Improve our own financial resilience as an organisation, as well as support the local community to participate more meaningfully.

Celebrate our 40th year

Share stories of the impact of 40 years of CERES, and dream into the possibilities of the next 40 years of our work.

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